Disaster Preparation Is Easy With 1800-Prepare
Friday, August 26, 2011 at 2:51PM
Keith Erwood in 1800 Prepare, Preparedness, preparedness

Considering the events of the last week and the storm that will be hitting the east coast hard this weekend I would like to take this time to introduce you to a friend and collogue of mine Paul Faust, who owns the business 1-800-Prepare. Paul is a former fireman and from New York but this is not the only thing he and I have in common.

Like me, Paul decided some time ago that more needed to be done to help people prepare and he launched his business 1-800-Prepare.

If you need quality preparedness kits, supplies and other items visit his site or give him a call at 1-800-Prepare. You can also follow Paul on twitter to see what he is up to.

Also, I’ll be posting some content on a monthly basis on the 1-800-Prepare blog so be sure to check that often as well.

Article originally appeared on Disaster Preparedness Blog - Emergency Preparedness Tips, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Emergency Management (http://disasterpreparednessblog.com/).
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