Sending Information by Photons and Storing it on Atoms - Sci Fi or Reality?
Sending Information by Photons and Storing it on Atoms - Sci Fi or Reality?
By L. Winslow
Scientists are rapidly increasing mans ability to make nano-computers and Moore's Law is being shattered as we speak. For instance a University Research team was able to store an image on a photon and now IBM has store data on an Atom.
How you ask, well using binary code and measuring magnetic anisotropy (magnetic field that allows it to hold a direction) they can assign either a one or a zero. This means that a sand speck might would be the processor size. We have to give IBM research a hand for their most incredible achievements. And how soon can you have your nano-computer? Well believe it or not, within a decade.
Interestingly enough, the Robotic Future of man merging with machine will most likely be passed by allowing the atoms in your body to process all its own information and all the worlds information if it was so desired. It makes the current human body and biosystem appear rather inefficient if you ask me.
Our future processors will not be made out of silicon, more like carbon nano-tubes or smaller and they will require such little amounts of energy, that they will most likely run off human vibrational energy or background noise and never need batteries. Molecular level computers that you cannot even see, will put out more information processing abilities than your 10-amp laptop. It will soon be considered a Dinosaur or Dog, compared to the next generation of computing.
A computer processing scheme that uses perhaps two hydrogen atoms in a molecule as a switching a system and the question I am asking is will we get a discount on our new computers since they will be using the same materials in the most simple of elements on the periodic table. Sincerely, Lance.
L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur . Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.
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