Is Russia Renewing The Cold War With Words And Actions ?

As I wrote in an earlier posting, New Cold War Heats Up it appears that a new Russia is taking shape, making new allies and offering help to sworn enemies of the United States.
As the old saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Russia, has sent two Tupolev Tu-160 bombers (NATO reporting name Blackjack) for joint maneuvers to Venezuela. The aircraft are strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear payloads and a range of 10,800 miles.
Russia has also threatened Poland and the Ukraine over the proposed missile shield. Has tested a new Next-Generation Ballistic Missie, and is offering new help to Iran including selling them their own air defense technology.
Ironically, Russia seems to have taken this new stance after the terrorist attack at the school in Beslan and has decided to take a hard line stance mostly against the West and Putin (who most believe is still in charge) has publicly stated that the collapse of the former Soviet Union is the worst catastrophe of the 20th Century.
Given the events around the world Russia has chosen some strange new bed fellows in the hopes of again becoming a super power with its new found oil wealth. Though they have taken a beating in their markets after the Georgian invasion.
All of that said however it appears that Russia has drawn a line in the sand, and appear to be starting a new cold war.
Even if unintended, all of this will have far reaching consequence since it appeared that Israel and or the United States and our allies may have been planning an attack on Iran. If this does occur, it could lead to the breakout of the next world war.
Though unlikely to happen, it will give Iran better odds of acquiring a nuclear weapon. The only question is, will they launch it on Israel, or sell it to terrorists in the hopes of using it on the United States, or somewhere in Europe?
NOTE: The sources below are numerous but worth the time to read and will shed more light on what I describe above.
Source 1
Source 2
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Source 7
Source 8
Source 9
Source 10 Has The Cyberwar Already Begun?
Source 11
Source 12
Source 13
Source 14
Source 15
Source 16
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Source 18
Source 19

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