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Entries in Pandemic workshop (2)


Back From the Pandemic Workshop

The Workshop was a huge success, very informative. Several people mentioned that it was one of the best events they have been to in quite some time. I will have to agree with that statement.

I'll post some more on the event tomorrow. Since I was working on less than two hours sleep I am completely exhausted and need some down time to recoup.

I will make this one announcement on the site now though.

Roche, the company who sponsored the event announced some breaking news during a press conference today (and at the workshop) that they are going to offer companies the option of having the drug Tamilflu stockpiled for them in the event of a pandemic.

More on this and the event tomorrow.

Source 1
Source 2


Attending Pandemic Workshop In San Francisco

I am currently at the Pandemic Workshop here in San Francisco hoping to see some new developments and learn something new during the workshop.

I'll comment further on my experience there and how it went when I get back later in the evening.

If you happen to be attending and you know who I am feel free to stop and say hello.

It should be fun and educational, see you there.