Al-Qaeda Experiments with Weapons of Mass Destruction Goes Badly, Kills Operatives

UPDATE: In the post I put up yesterday Plague Killing off Al-Qaeda Terrorists it appears that as I suspected it may have been a botched case of Al-Qaeda experimenting with unconventional weapons.
Though unconfirmed reports are now coming in stating that it is not plague, it only states that it was either biological or chemical in nature, but intelligence sources are unsure of the exact nature of the agent.
We will update this story further as information becomes available.
Reader Comments (2)
Great find, Keith! This is not the first instance -- nor the last -- in which terrorist cells accidentally fall on their own swords.
Zarqawi's Ansar al-Islam group (later known as Al Qaeda in Iraq) set fire to their apartments in France while experimenting with ricin.
It is our great fortune that they often lack the technical expertise to develop these weapons to their full potential. One day, however, they will probably succeed.
Thanks Aaron,
You're right, it is not the first nor the last.
You are also correct in that one day they will probably succeed, especially if our private sector does not take physical security seriously. We have too many soft targets in the private sector.