Criminal Probe Called For In Tainted Peanut Butter Incident

After the deaths of eight people, and the sickening of over 500 after the Peanut Corporation of America allegedly knew of the Salmonella Typhimurium contamination, but covered it up and sold and shipped their products to companies and institutions anyway.
The company's actions "can only be described as reprehensible and criminal," said Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., who oversees Food and Drug Administration funding. "Not only did this company knowingly sell tainted products, it shopped for a laboratory that would provide the acceptable results they were seeking. This behavior represents the worst of our current food safety regulatory system."
Georgia's, top agriculture official joined DeLauro in asking the Justice Department to determine if the case warrants criminal prosecution.
The Plant also has a history of problems, and was cited repeatedly in over the last three years.
From a PR perspective the company has gone down the wrong path. If the allegations turn out to be true, I expect that many of the executives at this company may face criminal charges, in addition to dozens of lawsuits.
I have a previous post on the the situation with links to the recalled products called Salmonella Outbreak, Product Recall Grows
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