Pakistan and Nuclear Weapons A Big Problem for the United States

As many of you know, I have written numerous times about the possibility of Pakistans nuclear arms falling into the hands of terrorists who plan on using them against the West.
Posts such as these:
Pakistans President Announces Nukes May Fall Into Terrorist Hands
Taliban May Already Hold Some Key Nuke Sites In Pakistan
Al-Qaeda Declares It Will Use Pakistan’s Nukes To Strike Unites States
(For more posts on this topic use the search box on the right)
Weather or not this actually happens is hard to say, but it is not something beyond the realm of possibility.
I am also a big long time fan of National Terror Alert, as they do an excellent job on reporting on some of these issues, and noticed the story on their site yesterday titled: Are Pakistans Nuclear Weapons Safe?
This post on their site points to the article Defending The Arsenal In an unstable Pakistan, can nuclear warheads be kept safe?
My personal views on this is that it is just a matter of time at this point. It could happen 2 weeks from now, or 5 years from now, but the pendulum is swinging in favor of the radicals at this point and they want nothing more than to get their hands on a nuclear weapon.
Make no mistake they are keeping their eyes on the prize, and we in the West are not doing enough to stop it from happening.
Read the articles linked in this post to get up to date on this issue.
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