National Disaster Summit Currently Taking Place Around The Country

The 2009 National Disaster Summit is underway making the rounds around the country. The next National Disaster Summit event is taking place in Nashville, TN on March 19th.
If you are looking for an excellent event or confreence on disaster preparedness I recomend that you attend this event.
From the National Disaster Summit site:
Whether you are just starting to think about creating a disaster plan for your business or looking to update your current plan, our educational seminar will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to create a complete and efficient plan. More importantly, the information you receive will give you confidence that your business, employees and property will survive and recover in the event of a disaster.
Join them as they discuss
* Business continuity plans, procedures and project management tools
* Business risk analysis and impact of potential disasters
* Developing business unit management plans and procedures
* Implementing disaster plans through detailed testing and employee training
* Environmental issues and air quality control following a disaster
* Deploying emergency response and recovery teams to ground zero
* Insurance claims management to ensure maximum benefits under a policy
* Procedures to follow in reconstructing and restoring your structure and operations
* Life/safety techniques and proper triage training
* Effective communication systems during emergencies
* Pandemic, avian flu and other dangerous viruses
* Private/Public partnerships and government funding
* County fire department planning and resources available
* Federal, State and Local Government disaster planning and preparations
To Register for one of the events Follow the links below, and be sure to check out their website:
The remainder of the 2009 venue schedule:
April 16 - Fort Lauderdale, FL
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