Taliban 60 Miles From Pakistan Capital, Collapse Of Country May Be Imminent

Governments around the world are becoming concerned that the Pakistani capital Islamabad and the entire country will fall into Taliban hands.
This is a nightmare scenario that as far back as two years ago, many would have said impossible, that it could never happen.
However it seems the Pakistani civilian government seems almost blind to the threat, or worse yet almost seemingly welcoming the coming takeover by the Taliban.
In the past, which was only months ago, the new Pakistani government allowed for the Taliban control over the Swat valley under a peace agreement. However once the Taliban moved in and secured the area, the continued attacks against Pakistani police forces and are now approximately 60 miles from the capital.
I'm not sure if it will be months or years, but it looks to me that without NATO, or U.S. intervention which seems unlikely that Pakistan will fall into Taliban hands, and rule.
Recently the militants attacked a NATO convoy of tankers carrying fuel. Please see the AP video below and take note of what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says:
Here is another video on the topic from The New York Times:
Interesting News clip from France TV station:
I have written before about this see the posts here:
Taliban Make Comeback Inside Pakistan, Shari'a Law Imposed
Pakistan Near Collapse, Nukes Will Fall Into Terrorist Hands
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