False Report of A patient With Both H1N1 (Swine Flu) and H5N1 (Avian Flu) Hits The Internet

Reports on the internet and in email boxes around the world were filled with false reports of a patient who tested positive for both the highly lethal bird flu virus, H5N1, and the novel H1N1, swine flu virus.
The electronic surveillance system Promed picked up the report, though it was unconfirmed at the time. Promed moderators also questioned the story and were unsure of its accuracy.
However, Promed is a widely used and read resource and the story was sent off to numerous other sources spreading the story.
The CDC is reporting that they do not believe that the man is infected with both of the above viruses yet, other reports also show the man is co-infected with H1N1 and H3N2 (a seasonal virus).
Reader Comments (4)
We need to be informed and take necessary precautions to avoid getting the flu (or any sickness for that matter). There is no need to panic, just be informed and careful. My brother lives in Mexico City (alleged origin of the swine flu) and he informs me that it is nothing new and he takes the same precautions there as he would here. Education and precaution is key. ;)
It's important to be cautious and informed on issues like H1N1. Being prepared and smart definitely pays off.
Emergency Survival
There is a bit on panic that starting to take place and it could have a direct adverse effect on business. You might also want to also check out the recent HINI article by Chuck Wilsker, President of the Telework Coalition on BCP News - www.bcpnews.com.