Our New 2012 Series Begins Today – And In Case You Were Not Aware – The Road To The Apocalypse Has Already Begun!

First off – Let me say this right off the bat. I am not a believer in the world ending on December 21, 2012. I do however get asked a lot of questions about 2012, and though far from an expert on anything to do with this date, I’m just not a believer that it marks the end of anything more than an era or place in time.
Now this may seem somewhat contradictory, but it’s really not. What does worry me about this day and event is that it could become a self fulfilling prophecy. That is, if enough people are worried about it, take action on it, it could have an impact. I still think this is unlikely, but I would not say impossible.
There is still about a year and four months plus until December 21, 2012 and I will be using this time to discuss and point out some of the theories of what could happen, how people are preparing for it, and the “experts” on 2012. Since I am not an expert on 2012, the Mayan Calendar, or other 2012 events, I’ll be pointing you to the people I think are experts.
I will say that even though I am not a believer in the world coming to an end on this date, I think it goes without saying we certainly live in interesting times that could cause an apocalyptic event. Food shortages, drug shortages, unprecedented civil unrest, wars, rumors of war, and I am sure you know where I am going with that.
In any case let me know introduce you to someone named Carl Johan Calleman, who is somewhat of a believer in the Mayan end date. However, there is a slight twist since Carl Calleman does not believe in the traditional end date, but that the end will come on October 28, 2011. Furthermore, Calleman believes that we have already entered the beginning of the end starting on August 18, 2011.
You can read more about August 18, 2011 at Before It’s News in an article titled: Today Begins 18 Days of Destruction According To The Mayan Calendar. By the same token I would also recommend reading about Carl Johan Calleman on 2012hoax.org as well.
If you care to look into Calleman’s theories you can do so directly on his site Calleman.com
Reader Comments (5)
North Korea’s last round of tests, conducted in May 2009, appear to have included a “super-EMP” weapon, capable of emitting enough gamma rays to disable the electric power grid across most of the lower 48 states.
Most of us have become completely and totally dependent on electricity and technology. Without it, most of us would be in huge trouble.
What would you and your neighbors do if the power went out and it did not ever come back on?
What would you do if an EMP attack happened in the middle of the winter and you suddenly were not able to heat your home any longer?
What would you do if all the electronics in your car got fried and you simply could not drive anywhere?
What would you do if all the supermarkets in your area shut down because food could not be transported across the country anymore?
What would you do if you were suddenly unable to call your family and friends for help?
What would you do if you were suddenly unable to get the medicine that you needed?
What would you do if your debit cards and credit cards simply did not work any longer and you could not get any of your money out of the bank?
What would you do if all of these things happened all at once?
A single EMP attack would be the worst disaster that the United States has ever seen by far.
An electromagnetic pulse could potentially fry the vast majority of all the microchips in the United States. In an instant, nearly all of our electronic devices would be rendered useless.
All of those big bank accounts may never be able to be recovered after an EMP attack. Your money might be instantly fried out of existence.
You would truly be on your own.
We all saw what happened after Hurricane Katrina. The government response was a nightmare. An EMP attack would be many times worse and the federal government probably would not even be able to get you and your family any assistance.
Life after an EMP attack, no power, no food, no transportation, no banking, and no internet. This is the worst case I can imagine. As unpleasant as it is, I find it useful to keep me motivated.