If There Was Ever A Time To Prepare, The Time Is Now!

I have been putting a call out to Prepare for a while now. The time is short, and, if there was ever a time to prepare, the time is now! We were well prepared before and I recently began scaling up our family preparedness efforts and put out the word to my followers that now is the time to stock up.
If you can it is time to increase the amount of Food, Water, and Ammo you have on hand. Think about skills or items you can barter for other items or food. Have medical needs and take medications? Get extra. Work with your doctor to get more.
Yes. There are many calls out there about buying Gold and Silver. You can do that, but put food and water first. Put precious metals second. You can't eat gold or silver and food during a crisis may well be worth more than its weight in the precious metals.
Consider alternate means of energy use. Solar, Generator, or other methods for a grid down situation. I don't believe that a complete outage will occur, but the future may hold that we see rolling or purposeful blackouts in some areas.
Political Contention
Several things are going on that are occurring and none of it good. First, the 2020 election has been contentious, to say the least. Divisions have not been this high since the election of 1876. No matter where you see yourself falling in response to the 2020 Election one thing remains true. Regardless of the outcome, the other side will be disenfranchised.
Only two possible outcomes will occur. First, Trump will be declared the winner and remain in office. The second outcome will be Biden declared the winner and will be sworn into office. In the event of the former happening, I suspect that protests and riots will break out in the usual places and spread further than the riots of the last few years. This time around they will be far more disruptive and widespread. If the latter should occur tens-of-millions of voters up to one full third of the population feeling disenfranchised may take to the streets to protest.
Protests by either side will likely be met with protesters from the opposition and have the potential to kick off a spark that fans the flames into full-scale riots or worse. Forces are working to see that this erupts. I am hoping that this does not happen, but it easily could in the current state of things.
Great Reset
The Great Reset has been an agenda for some of the global powers that be for nearly 50 years. By its other name of Stakeholder Capitalism - a term coined by Klaus Schwab it is Anti-American and Anti-Shareholder Capitalism and aims to reconstruct capitalism into a newer better form (read Socialism, Communism, Marxist Globalism and redistribution). Don't Just take my word for it. Do Research yourself. PLEASE!
Though Klaus Schwab has been at this for decades and founded the World Economic Forum for this purpose, the recent SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic has ushered in new opportunities for them to act swiftly. Using COVID-19 as cover they and many of the global elite plan on adopting these new measures known as the Great Reset.
While some claim the great reset is just a hoax - I can assure you it is not. Check the reference links below. It is already moving forward full steam ahead. BoA (Bank of America) has initiated a new framework of accounting methods for which the Big 4 have agreed, to begin phasing in and measuring Stakeholder Capitalism. The framework outlines 21 nonfinancial metrics to measure the "Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics" which also include, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) as well as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Metrics are centered around the below four pillars:
Reporting Pillars
I can assure you, though it has the name capitalism in the title - Stakeholder Capitalism has nothing to do with Capitalism. It is designed to rapidly increase the redistribution of wealth and punish people into submission (they aim to change behaviors they don't like through things like carbon taxes) and enslave the human race.
Prepare Now
I urge you to take the steps to prepare yourself for what is coming. We have just days and I have already started making adjustments myself.

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