Hezbollah Using Mexican Drug Routes To Access United States, Funnel Cash

Earlier this month we did a post on Mexican drug cartels that are working with terrorist groups, that post is:Connection Between Mexican Drug Cartels and Terrorists Clear.
Though this story has not made it's way into the mainstream media, reports about this going on have been around for quite some time. In fact over the last few years small stories have been reported about terrorists, middle-eastern men, and Arabs have been crossing the border.
As early as October of 2001 these reports have been slowly creeping in through various news sources. It is also unknown as far as I can tell how many were crossing the border prior to September 11, 2001 since it appears there was not real tracking of this data prior to the attack.
In 2005 a known Al-Qaeda terrorist was captured near the Mexican boarder, who was watching the movements of police, wildlife, and other people. This happened right near Fort Hancock, TX. It was confirmed that terrorists are moving into the area, learning Spanish, and changing their names to blend in with the Hispanic communities in the region.
The Al-Qaeda terrorists was only captured after he aggravated one of his neighbors who eventually turned him in to the Mexican Authorities, but not before he was already settled into the area for well over a year.
The current spike in violence in Mexico, near the border areas are in part due to the current President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón stepping up actions against the drug cartels and firing corrupt Mexican police officers.
The violence will most likely continue to rise, as the terrorist groups will likely back the drug cartels with financing and weapons further turning the area into a war zone.
Though current administration would like to have you believe the Mexican drug cartels are obtaining their weapons from U.S. citizens selling arms across the boarder, the drug cartels are increasingly using advanced weapons such as rocket launchers and grenades likely to come from sources other than the U.S.
Starting this past weekend reports of Hezbollah using the Mexican boarder to get money out of the U.S. to further fund terror operations around the world is on the rise.
Though no confirmed actions against the U.S. from Hezbollah have occurred as yet, it does present an increasingly troublesome situation. Terror operatives are inside the U.S. they are using our porous boarder with Mexico to further their cause, and as I stated in the post above, it may only be a matter of time before we see one of these terror groups take over a Mexican city or town near our border to lauch operations against the United States.