Deepwater Horizon Disaster - Information on Leak Estimates

As of today oil still continues to leak from the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf. How much oil leaking per day from the well is still not known exactly but estimates range from initial assesments of 210,000 gallons (or 5,000 barrels) per day (estimate by NOAA) to an outside expert estimating 4,200,000 gallons per day.
Live Video Feed of Leak
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In addition to the initial disaster of the explosion, fire and loss of life, BP is also facing a PR nightmare with claims of a cover up and trying to hide just how much oil is leaking from the well.
As mentioned earlier estimates vary widely, but the exact amount leaking may never be known and some are calling it the worst oil spill since the Exxon Valdez, and perhaps the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
Below is a widget from PBS that show how much oil is leaking based on various expert estimates.