What You Really Need To Know About Solar Storms and How To Protect Against Their Impacts

The Solar Storm Threat has been a very big topic for quite a while. In fact it has been the top searched and read topic of all my posts in the last year. The latest post I did here on this subject has over 300 views just this month alone.
That post is: Protecting Against Solar Flares, Electromagnetic Pulse, and Geomagnetic Storms
While that post is a good one I wrote in haste almost a year ago now and could not get into the topic as in depth as I would have liked. I was however able to write a 2 part series on this topic that explains in more detail how these events occur and what kind of impact they produce.
There is still so much misconception out there on this topic and many of it reproduced by well meaning people. Though I can't copy these articles since when I wrote them and they were published I no longer own the copyright to them. I can however provide links to the actual articles.
Please take the time to read them if this is a topic that interests you and I am sure you will learn a great deal. In Part 1 I discuss how these events happen usually, but not always starting with a massive solar flare. Still in Part 1 I also talk about the effects and impacts.
Then in Part 2 i mention actual ways to protect against the electromagnetic or geomagnetic storm that is produced. It does not cover everything by any means and I suggest you purchase the book I reference for further reading.
I present to you:
The Solar Storm Threat | Part 1: How Solar Flares & CMEs Can Impact Your Business
The Solar Storm Threat | Part 2: Basic Steps You Can Take To Protect Your Business
Let me know your thoughts, any feedback, and if you have tried experiments on your own. Also, in case you are not aware. These same protections are effective to protect against an EMP as well.