Silver Sentinel, Major Disaster Preparedness Exercise

Today I will be at the Alameda County Sheriffs Office EOC for the Silver Sentinel exercise.
The exercise is based on a major earthquake hitting the Bay Area, and takes place approximately 48 hours after the earthquake hitting. Which is also the 140 year anniversary of the Hayward fault earthquake that happened in 1868 and was a magnitude 6.9 - 7.0 quake.
During 1868 only 26,000 people lived in the area and about 36 people lost their lives, today about 2 million people live in the same area.
For more about the 1868 earthquake please visit: 1868 Hayward Earthquake Alliance.
The exercise will last from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM
I will edit this post later with more information.
UPDATE: Overall the Silver Sentinel exercise was a large success with many participants from various public and private entities.
The only difference I would like to add here from what I wrote previously above is that the exercise took place 3 days after a 6.9 earthquake along the Hayward fault.
I have written several times about earthquakes and earthquake safety please be sure to check these stories for useful information on what to do if there is an earthquake in your area.
In another post I spoke about how to safely install a generator which will come in handy after a power loss. Two main rules to remember is never to run a generator indoors or in an inclosed area, and never refuel a generator while it is running.

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