Iranian Earthqauke May Have Been Nuclear Test

According to a newspaper report this weekends 5.0 Magnitude earthquake in southern Iran, may have actually been a nuclear test.
This report would also put the Iranians well ahead of the projected three month date of developing a weapon according to recent intelligence reports. But as we all know intelligence reports are not always spot on.
Questions remain, such as is this report accurate, though I have my own doubts to the validity of the report. If this is true however, how much left over material do they have to develop more weapons? How many weapons do they now have?
Of course with the help they have received from the Russians they may well be ahead of the game and are either very close to obtaining the weapon or may already secretly have several weapons.
One thing however holds true no matter if they already have the weapon, or will develop one in the near future, they will have to test it to show the West they have it for certain.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3 -- to show that earthquake occurred.
Source 4 -- second earthquake source.

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