Disaster Tip of The Week: Create A Business Continuity Plan For Your Business

This week I wanted to focus on what small businesses should do to prepare for disasters. Acording to the SBA, there are over 27 miliion small businesses in the United States, and employ approxamitey half of all the employed people in the country.
Yet small businesses often fail to prepare for disasters, leaving the owners, employees and clients at risk of losing their business, jobs, and providers of goods and services respectively.
Prepareing your business for a disaster does not have to be complicaeted and often just a few well spent dollars, and the proper planning can make all the difference in being able to stay open after a calamity.
Below is a FREE REPORT, called The Impotance of Business Continuity, that you can use to help get you started planing your business continuity plan today.
The Importance of Business Continuity: What You Need to Know and How to Get Started Today
Reader Comments (1)
The creation of a business continuity plan is advisable to every company. In addition, the white paper by Med Yones, an executive coach, provides business people with insights regarding BC/DR management best practices. By following the link below you will find further information on the subject.