Cause For Concern? Iran States They Successfully Launched Satellite Into Space

Photo by WharmanSending off alarm signals around the world, Iran announced the successful launch of their first domestically made satellite into space.
The U.S. State Department said Iran’s development of a space-launch vehicle gives the country the “technical basis” to develop long-range ballistic missile systems.
At a time when world pressure on Iran is building against their nuclear program, it may pose more trouble to the Obama administration at a time when they are attempting to reach out to Iran to establish a dialog.
Even France is worried and has expressed concern over the launch of the Satellite.
Though this may cause more international pressure to increase against Iran, time is running short. I personally doubt much will be done to stop Iran.
If nothing is done, they will not only have a nuclear weapon but the capability to launch long range missiles as well.
Reader Comments (2)
I agree. A new start begins major critical problem to Iran.
This is very concerning however not surprising. The leader of Iran has made it well know what his desires are - and he is taking every step to make them a reality. I feel it is just a matter of time before a nuclear device is triggered within the domestic United States
Start stocking the canned goods!!!!
Good luck all....