Lessons From The 1918 Pandemic and Emerging Pandemic Threats

In light of the current pandemic of H1N1 (Swine Flu) and the spread of H5N1 (Avian Flu, or Bird Flu) I thought posting this video from TED on a presentation from Laurie Garrett on lessons from the 1918 flu.
The Video is actually from around April 2007 before the current out-break of H1N1 but can shed some light on a number of things and is worth taking the time to view.
This video highlights the main preparedness issues around pandemics and is more relevant today than it was when Laurie Garrett gave the presentation at TED in 2007.
Reader Comments (1)
You will live the big age of disaster . However , we convey information in this way out of single-minded desire to save you .
By the way, next became clear recently . At first I am headlong , and the earth will fall . It does not means the earth become the wanderer of the space . It is the movement of the polar region.
The North Pole will go south and move to the Cuban east sea area, and the North Pole will immobilize straight the middle of the North Pacific to the south when I say in detail , and the South Pole goes straight north and will fix it at a position of Indian south sea a long way off .This thing will become clear in the beginning of Augus t, 2010 .
Then a big continent will surface again on the current South Pacific . The times when the face of the Earth is covered to a cloud again will come . It takes 20-30 years so that this continent appears clearly . This new continent will rise at the position that linked current Hawaii, Easter Island, New Zealand, the Philippines in a line. This continent becomes the symbol of the new times and will become the possession of the whole earthian .
Unfortunately the sunk place is expected in various ways, and, in the West Europe whole and the western half of the Australian Continent and the Japanese western half, submergence is expected . Move to the safe zone beforehand. You must not dare do a riot and the bad-mannered thing.
Above sage
Message Amitabha of the Amitabha