Red Cross Survey 1 in 5 Adults Going to Work With H1N1

A recent survey conducted by Caravan Opinion Research Corp. on behalf of the Red Cross, indicates that in one out of every five U.S. households, someone has gone to work or school when they were presumed to be sick with the H1N1 virus.
"People who have the flu should stay home from work or school to help prevent passing the illness on to someone else," Sharon Stanley, chief nurse of the American Red Cross, said in a statement.
"Each of us has the responsibility to be a good neighbor. To help keep others from becoming sick, do your part by washing your hands, sneezing into your arm, using hand sanitizer and staying home when ill."
The survey also shows that woman are taking the risk of becoming ill with the H1N1 virus more seriously than men.
For more see Red Cross Survey.