Home Security Considerations

Home SecurityHome security is an oft overlooked preparedness measure and should be thought about and planned out well in advance. First, there are two ways we are going to look at security here; your everyday security and security for a bugging-in situation.
For everyday security it would be impossible for me to address every possible situation and provide specific advice to a broad audience, so let’s take a look at some good sound basics.
- All outer doors should be solid and of strong construction. If you can afford it upgrade your doors to security doors.
- If possible add reinforcements to the frame. If you can afford it upgrade your door frame to a steel frame.
- Add a door reinforcement Lock.
- Add outer security doors, especially if your doors have glass.
- Add security film to glass.
- Have a peephole – even better they now have peephole style cameras with LCD screens for your doors.
- Where possible keep your door handles and locks away from windows that can be broken.
Garage Doors:
- Install a steel garage door lock that also allows for it to be passed through the steel door brackets and locked with a secondary lock on the inside.
- Turn off and unplug your electric garage door opener when not in regular use.
- Place security film on any accessible windows or glass. If it is affordable for you consider upgrading them to either shatterproof or bullet resistant.
- Remove overgrown shrubs and bushes that block view of windows.
- Consider planting rose bushes or other plants with thorns near windows.
- Have an alarm system installed. Include motion and glass breakage sensors.
- If you have an older alarm system – consider upgrading to one that allows for monitoring and turning the system on/off over the internet or Smartphone.
- Install or replace outside lights with motion detecting lights around your home.
- If this is not an option turn on outside lights overnight.
- Install a timers on several indoor lights so it appears as if someone is home even when your not.
- If you can afford it install one or several cameras around your home.
- Keeps signs posted on your property. Examples of signs, security signs, no trespassing signs, dog on premises signs, neighborhood watch signs, etc.
- Get a dog. They will act as a deterrence, and they are better than any alarm system you can purchase. They will alert you to anything unusual around your home.
One last thing to consider for your everyday home security would be to install secondary door reinforcement locks to strong solid interior doors. Doing so will provide a poor-man’s safe room buying you more time to call for help and keep you safe longer. While not as good as a real safe room, anyone can afford to do this and will provide additional piece of mind for you and your family. Be sure that you have a land-line phone and or cell phone in this room as well so you can reach the outside for help.
The next step is to look at your security for bugging-in situation. Bugging-in seems to be an option many consider a viable option. Not to say that it isn’t, but you must consider security realistically if you take this approach.
In addition to the above approach for everyday security you need to add the following elements to your security plans. When bugging-in you will need to remain hidden out of sight and very quiet, making it appear that no one is home unless you absolutely must do otherwise. When you must make yourself known, do so either through a security door or from another safe position. Have others also looking out for activity in case it is a distraction.
Perhaps the most important thing to consider is making it appear as if your home has already been looted after a long term event. Don’t cut your grass, trim trees or bushes. Keep a stash of junk, garbage and other items and place them in a disorderly fashion around your front lawn. You may want to do this around your entire home as well. Consider using plywood to board up your windows and even front door to appear it is under repair.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on securing your home for both everyday and under bugging-in situations.
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