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Entries in Safety (8)


Where are the Safest States to Live In 2014?


According to the study, Massachusetts is the safest State to live and New Hampshire comes in at number two. Overall the entire North-East of the United States is pretty safe overall based on this study.

The study used the following safety factors to determine the relative overall safety of each state. Financial Safety of the State, Driving Safety Rank, Workplace safety, Natural Disaster Rank, and finally, Home and Community Safety. These factors then provide an overall rating of each State giving us the safest and least safest States to live in based on the study.

To see more on this study see 2014's Safest States to Live.


Home Security Considerations 

Home security is an oft overlooked preparedness measure and should be thought about and planned out well in advance. First, there are two ways we are going to look at security here; your everyday security and security for a bugging-in situation.

Click to read more ...


Disaster Tip of the Week: Some Safety Tips for The Holidays

Here are some great tips to help you keep safe during the holidays. I also want to take the time to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy New Year. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read the blog. I will be taking a break and will be providing more great new content after the Start of the New Year.

Here are your tips:

  1. Water, Water, Water your live tree. This time of year Christmas tree fires occur regularly, but they are usually avoidable. Start by trimming the base of the tree a bit and provide plenty of water. Most trees do not get enough, check it several times a day and keep the base filled with water.
  2. Check your lights, especially before placing them onto your live tree. Broken, missing lights and cracked or frayed wires pose an additional fire risk, and a shock hazard. When it doubt, throw them out.
  3. Don't overload your electrical outlets. This time of year we sometimes get caught up in the beauty of all the lights, but too many into one outlet or on the same circuit can be a serious problem.
  4.  Reevaluate your escape plan incase of fire. With the added elements of live trees, candles and many other flammable items it is very important everyone knows how to get out and get out safely.
  5. Now is the perfect time to check your fire and Carbon Monoxide alarms.
  6. When using candles keep them away from flammable objects. A good rule of thumb is if it making the object hot, move the object or put the candle somewhere else.
  7. Many candles come in containers that also get very hot and can burn someone if grabbed or even burn through a wood surface. Make sure children can't grab them and place the candle on a surface that will not burn (we use coasters in my home).
  8. Wrapping paper can burn very quickly and cause a quick flash fire. Do not burn the wrapping paper it is not intended for that purpose. Reuse, recycle or just throw it out.
  9. When setting up your tree, keep it at least three feet away from fireplaces, radiators, and other heat sources. I would even try for five feet if possible.
  10. Keep cords out of the way where someone will not trip over them. Don't use tacks or staples to hang electric cords, and don't place them under carpets.

Have a safe and happy holiday season.


Evacuating During a Hurricane and other Hurricane Safety Videos

It is still officially hurricane season, and with tropical storm IDA in the Gulf it I thought I would publish some good materials on Hurricane safety and evacuations.

Evacuating the Area of a Hurricane


Preparing for a Hurricane


Electrical Safety During a Hurricane



Disaster Tip of the Week: Learn How to Shut Off Utilities

During a major disaster, knowing how to turn off your utilities properly is important for your safety and may just save your life and valuables.

Events like earthquakes, tornadoes and even floods can cause gas leaks and shutting these utilities off quickly is important. These same disasters can also cause water to become contaminated so you will want to shut off the water main valve at your home. 

 To shut off your Gas take the following steps:

  1. Locate your gas meter and valve.
  2. Have a wrench immediately available for turning off the gas supply. (you can buy a special wrench but any adjustable one should do the job)
  3. Shut off gas only if you smell gas or hear a hissing noise. Contact the gas company to turn the gas back on.
  4. If you smell natural or propane gas, evacuate immediately and leave the area. Go to where you no longer smell gas. Do not use matches, lighters or open flame appliances. Do not operate electrical switches because sparks could ignite gas causing an explosion.


To shut off your water take the following steps:


  1. Turn off water at the main meter or at the water main leading into the house. This will prevent contaminated water from entering your water heater and plumbing.
  2. Turn off the valve — turn to the right. This will require a special valve wrench, available from a hardware store. Make sure you have the tool readily available.
  3. If there is an active leak and you cannot locate the valve call your local water department.


For more information try this How To Turn Off Utilities form

ans Turning off your gas from PG&E