Taliban May Already Hold Some Key Nuke Sites In Pakistan

According to a news story in the Times of India, the Taliban, Al-Qeada partnership and possibly other radical factions may already be in control of some of Pakistan's Nuclear sites.
The Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has allegedly told told the Obama administration the names of the sites in question and also warned the administration that "Pakistan is lost".
We have written several posts on the situation in Pakistan that you can view here:
Pakistan Near Collapse, Nukes Will Fall Into Terrorists Hands
Taliban Make Comeback Inside Pakistan, Shari'a Law Imposed
Taliban 60 Miles From Pakistan Capital, Collapse of Country May Be Imminent
The paper also reported and highlighted the disappointment of US experts at the administration and failure to take the threat seriously.
US experts have been greatly perturbed in recent days about what they say is Washington's misplaced confidence in, and lackadaisical approach towards, Pakistan's nuclear assets. The disquiet comes amid reports that Pakistan is ramping up its nuclear arsenal even as the rest of the world is scaling it down.
"It is quite disturbing that the administration is allowing Pakistan to quantitatively and qualitatively step up production of fissile material without as much as a public reproach," Robert Windrem, a visiting scholar with the Center for Law and Security in New York University and an expert on South Asia nuclear issues told ToI in an interview on Thursday. "Iraq and Iran did not get a similar concessions... and Pakistan has a much worse record of proliferation and security breaches than any other country in the world."