Pakistain Near Collapse, Nukes Will Fall Into Terrorist Hands

I have been talking about this for a while now, mostly to people in my inner circle.
Al-Qaeda and the Taliban have had pretty much free reign over the northern regions of Pakistan for quite sometime.
Pakistan has done little to stop it, and it has resulted in widespread terror attacks throughout the country.
Recently, the Taliban was allowed to impose Shari'a law over what is known as the Swat Valley inside Pakistan.
This has allowed them to establish a base of operations, just as they had pre- 9/11 and scarier still, has given them a foothold in a nuclear powered country.
Reports have come in through various channels that the country is near collapse. Something the Taliban and Al-Qaeda would love, and would give them cause to establish rule over the entire country and access to nuclear weapons and missile capabilities.
Though I hope that this scenario does not occur, it is highly likely.
Basically I feel like our eye is off the ball and steps are being taken on a daily basis to weaken our National Defense. Folks this issue is real, and it presents a major problem. The likely hood of Pakistan falling into terrorist hands is a greater possibility than Iran obtaining nukes, not that either is agreeable.
If we do not keep our Missile defense program, we may see a nuclear attack on the U.S. within the next 15 years.
Check out our post on The Importance of Missile Defense.