Obama Wants To Kill Missile Defense, This Is Why You Should Not Let That Happen

National security is an extremely important issue to me, and should be for every American.
Under the Constitution, it is the responsibility of our federal government to provide for the common defense of the nation and its people.
However, the current administration and some others do not feel that the role of missile defense is important. They want to do away with and completely scrap the progress that has been made in this area in the last 26 years.
It would take only 33 minutes for a ballistic missile launched on the other side of the world to hit its target in the United States. Just one missile armed with one nuclear warhead would have a devastating effect on the entire Country.
Just one well placed missile over the Continent detonated in the atmosphere would produce an EMP that would wipe out all electronics in the United States, parts of Canada, and Mexico.
Please watch this video, and go to the site 33 Minutes.
If you can, go see the full one hour documentary as well.