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Earth Has Near Miss With Asteroid on March 2nd 2009

Do you know where you were, or what you were doing on March 2nd 2009 around 5:44 AM PST or 8:44 EST. Most of us were either getting up or on our way to work that morning just as we do everyday.

However, most people are unaware that a small Asteroid measuring approximately 100 feet (30 meters) across passed within 63,500 km or 39,457 miles of the planet earth at this time. This distance is about 1/5th the distance to the Moon to put into perspective for you.

The Asteroid known as 2009 DD45 though small is roughly the same size ar the one that is suspected to have landed in Tunguska, Siberia in 1908, commonly referred to as the "Tunguska Event" which destroyed 800 square miles of forest in the area.

Even though this event would not have caused a mass extinction event, if this Asteroid were to have hit Earth, it would have had the same impact as a nuclear weapon, and would have probably destroyed a major city if had hit one.

Scientists have been searching space to find Near Earth Objects that might hit us, however this one was not found until February 27th which would not have been enough time to take action should it have been on course to hit us.

Animations of the event below:

Actual View of 2009 DD45 passing Earth:

On April 13th in 2029 an Asteroid known as 99942 Apophis will pass within 20,000 miles of Earth, closer than communications satellite. Apophis is about 885 square feet in size and is expected to return seven years later again on April 13th 2036 and may strike the planet.


Review of NURU Emergency First Aid Card Deck, With Giveaway Contest

Recently I was asked if I could review a deck of Emergency First Aid cards that are sold by NURU.

The deck overall is full of useful information that you would need in order to help someone during a medical emergency. I also give my personal thumbs up for a job well done in getting all of the information needed onto just thirty cards, which I am certain was no easy task.

The information is easy to read, well thought out and and covers things like CPR reminders, Heart Attacks, Shock, Monitoring Vital Signs, and Working With EMS. As a former First Responder, the last one is my personal favorite that I wish would be taught in every school.

I must admit, I was a little skeptical at first in how good these cards would be, since stopping to read the cards during an emergency is not really productive. However, the first few cards cover this, and they recommend taking a first aid course, which I also recommend. They also suggest reading the cards while waiting in line, or on the bus and other such places. The cards make a great way to refresh the information, and take quick action.

If you do not have any first aid training these cards would best serve you if you read through them and perhaps refer to them if you must, but if you read through them, you should know enough to handle the situation until first responders arrive.

I recommend these cards to have on hand for reference during emergencies and to read at your leisure. At a cost of only $8.00 they are well worth the money and would make a great gift for someone you care about, or even a co-worker.

From the NURU Website:

* 30 ultra-thin cards, each fully illustrated
* Small, metal management ring to keep your cards together
* Unique serial code (to access your deck's content online)

Emergency first aid, now.
* CPR techniques
* Choking/drowning
* Burns and bleeding
* Heart and circulatory problems
* Poisoning
* Electric shock
* How to work with victims, bystanders, and EMS

Simple language. Simple illustrations.
Learn the vital, life-saving techniques you need, regardless of age or educational background. NURU's simple language and illustrations makes learning and retaining this knowledge easy for everyone.

Vital knowledge, NOW.
Because emergencies can happen at any time, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of the 3-5 minute breaks in your day (in the checkout line, on the bus, etc.) and get this knowledge IN YOUR BRAIN.

This item is currently available in NURU FastForm. Each card is printed on rich, full-color card stock, and is $8.00 DELIVERED to your door.


                                                      NOW FOR A CONTEST/GIVEAWAY:

Leave your Comments below and we will pick one person at random from the comments in this post and we will send you a new sealed deck of the NURU Emergency First Aid cards. Be sure to leave a valid email address when posting.

You must have your comments in before midnight 12:00 AM PST March 31, 2009 to be considered.

                                  Big Thank you to NURU for making this contest possible.




Disaster Tip of The Week:Have Flashlights Ready, With Plenty of Extra Batteries 

The timing of this week's disaster tip could not be better, since the power went out in my neighborhood last night for about 45 minutes.

Having flashlights or battery powered lanterns near by during a power outage or during a disaster is very good for helping to keep people calm. Being able to see what you are doing is a great help too.

Some people suggest propane lanterns and candles, and being from the North East these were common in my house as a kid and great for when storms knock out the power.

However, during major disasters these are not the best choice, since there is a fire danger. Gas leaks are very common.

If you are going to use a candle, lantern or even before you light a match or lighter, be 100 percent sure it is safe to do so.

So, if you can use battery powered, or even hand cranked powered lights, at least until you know it is safe to use other sources.

I keep several battery powered lanterns with batteries in them at all times. I also have a few other lanterns and lights ready but without batteries in them.

I also have enough batteries for each light source along with back up batteries for each which some may say is a little over kill, but hey, it's about being prepared right?


Obama's Marine One Classified Data Leaked Over P2P, Found On Iranian Computer

The highly classified Helicopter that carries the President of the United States, known as Marine One has been leaked, compromising its security and usefulness.

According to Gormley, Tiversa first found information about Marine One's avionics floating around on file-sharing networks last summer and notified the contractor and the authorities about the discovery. Last week's search shows that copies of the document are still available on P2P networks to anyone who knows how to look for it, he said.

To read more please refer to the Computer World Reference Below.


National Disaster Summit Currently Taking Place Around The Country

The 2009 National Disaster Summit is underway making the rounds around the country. The next National Disaster Summit event is taking place in Nashville, TN on March 19th.

If you are looking for an excellent event or confreence on disaster preparedness I recomend that you attend this event.

From the National Disaster Summit site:

Whether you are just starting to think about creating a disaster plan for your business or looking to update your current plan, our educational seminar will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to create a complete and efficient plan. More importantly, the information you receive will give you confidence that your business, employees and property will survive and recover in the event of a disaster.

Join them as they discuss

* Business continuity plans, procedures and project management tools
* Business risk analysis and impact of potential disasters
* Developing business unit management plans and procedures
* Implementing disaster plans through detailed testing and employee training
* Environmental issues and air quality control following a disaster
* Deploying emergency response and recovery teams to ground zero
* Insurance claims management to ensure maximum benefits under a policy
* Procedures to follow in reconstructing and restoring your structure and operations
* Life/safety techniques and proper triage training
* Effective communication systems during emergencies
* Pandemic, avian flu and other dangerous viruses
* Private/Public partnerships and government funding
* County fire department planning and resources available
* Federal, State and Local Government disaster planning and preparations

To Register for one of the events Follow the links below, and be sure to check out their website:

National Disaster Summit

The remainder of the 2009 venue schedule:

March 19 - Nashville,TN

April 16 - Fort Lauderdale, FL

May15 - Chicago, IL

July 16 - Houston, TX

September 17 - Seattle, WA

October 22 - Philadelphia, PA