Review of The Book: Will To Live dispatches from the edge of survival

In his latest book, Will To Live, dispatches from the edge of survival, Les Stroud covers one of my favorite, but least covered aspects of survival. Which is, when it comes to survival, why do some people live, while others succumb to the environment around them?
We've all heard the stories of skilled and well prepared hikers or hunters that become lost in the wilderness, only to die after a day or two. While other stories involving children, or even special needs people being lost for up to a week or more, and with no special skills, or supplies living to tell the tell.
In Will To Live, dispatches from the edge of survival, Author Les Stroud examines in detail some of the more famous of these stories. He walks the reader through the experience of being in that particular survival situation, what that person did right, and in many cases wrong.
Les gets into more details as he explains what he would have done differently, and even if in a similar situation if he would have made the same choice adding in sections of supply lists, and how to do things the correct way when faced with certain situations. For instance Les covers winter driving, preserving a moose, and conducting a reconnaissance mission.
Les, uses each chapter to look at a particular survival situation and at the end of the chapter breaks it down into categories and percentages used in the survival situation.
Les Stroud is an excellent writer and expresses his thoughts with complete clarity on a subject that is not often studied or written about, and clearly gets the message across that there is more to survival, that just being well prepared. What's more is the Will To Live also shows the human beings capacity and will to survive, even when facing insurmountable odds.
If you are a fan of survival, preparedness, Survivorman, or even Les Stroud himself, you will without a doubt enjoy this book. At times I felt as if Les himself were reading it to me, in his calm, but knowing voice.
Disaster Preparedness Blog gives Will To Live dispatches from the edge of survival: 5 Stars out of 5.
Pick up your copy here today!
~ I predict this will be one of the best selling books on survival of 2011 ~

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