Review of Product: Stove in a Can

I was asked to try out and provide a review for the Stove in a Can product and I was a bit skeptical as to how it would perform at first. I was quite surprised that it did perform well and fire and heat it generated was more than enough to cook lunch (Ramen Noodles pork flavor for those that want to know).
While the stove itself is fairly light weight, most campers I suspect would choose lighter and less bulky stoves for their treks. But, if you’re looking for a great stove for your preparedness needs this one is certainly worth a look.
I let the fire burn for a good 20 minutes longer than you see in the video and still had enough fuel to likely heat another meal after I put it out using the lid.
I used about 3 cups of water (1 cup more than suggested for the noodles) and we were eating our lunch in about 8 – 10 minutes. This is far faster than if I had to create a camp fire from wood so in an emergency it is well suited for quick meals.
The price at about $30 - $35 per kit is far cheaper than camp stoves and contains the following:
- · 1 Stove
- · 4 fuel cells (enough for at least 8 meals in my opinion)
- · Waterproof matches ( I used a lighter in the video)
- · Cooking Ring
- · Fuel Ring
- · Instruction booklet
In the video I used a lighter to light the fuel cell instead of matches. At first I did not think the fuel cell would light and would take another round with the lighter since the flames nearly burned out on the paper that surrounds the fuel cell. A small flame hung on in one very small spot which was enough to ignite the fuel cell and spread to the entire cell.
Once the fire was going strong I waiting about another minute before adding the pot with water which started steaming in about three minutes. Once it started to a rolling boil I added the noodles. The noodles were fairly well cooked in about 5 minutes but I let it go slightly longer to be certain since I like my noodles on the soft side (not crunchy).
You can see the full length video below of the entire process which I left mostly unedited. I only added the Disaster Preparedness Blog logos. Since I had to do this in one take and it is our first video I decided I would not talk and just let the product do its thing.
Now for the best part. I am giving away one FREE Stove in a Can to a lucky reader who posts a comment telling me why they want one and I will choose a winner from those who comment on the Stove in a Can Contest Giveaway (click the link to go to that post). This contest will be open until June 6th 2012 at midnight. Good luck everyone.
Overall I give the stove 4 ½ Stars.
Get Yours Today
Actual Video of Field Test

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